Going through this article will enable you to learn about the improvised features of Magento 2.0, thereby unraveling how it has surpassed the efficiency of the older version.
Way back in November 2015, Magento came up with a very big news; The new era of eCommerce innovation starts with launch of Magento 2.0. Well, you can be forgiven for not paying attention since, the announcement was made just before the Thanksgiving day when, you might have been busy preparing the appetizing dishes or giving gifts for your dear ones. But, there’s not to worry much, as we are there to unravel the story. With this improved version, the Magento developers can be able to build more refined ecommerce websites which, will drive greater success to users.
Now, it’s not that the first version of Magento Enterprise or Community featured anything wrong but, Magento 2.0 comes with some enhanced upgrades for a better user experience. Following here are 5 best features which, have the business opportunists completely amazed and confident about the thriving future of eCommerce.
Magento 2.0 came with a number of extensions across all categories. In case, the website is presently being operated with Magento 1.x, then you might require to add a few dozens of extensions now. It is quite tempting to be stick-in-the-mud while resisting the varied changes of new Magento so that, you can keep the old platform by restricting the need of switching over. However with 2.0, irrespective of whether you choose the Community or Enterprise version, web developers are deploying this platform widely for modifying and streamlining the extensions being made for 1.x. So, with the improvised version, you will be able to bestow the website with an improved look.
An extensive upgrade to the updated version signifies the consolidation amount, which has direct link to coding of the system. The modular code base of 2.0 has adopted HTML5 completely, with extra working space for CSS3 and needs JavaScript. Moreover, the system’s updated version utilizes MySQL 5.6 and PHP 5.5x. All the programs which, Magento has under its hood signify that the enterprise is looking forward to a series of future developments and innovations which, are surely going to benefit businesses in the years to come.
Well, sooner the day is going to come, when looking at the old admin panel Magento users are going to wonder how they actually managed to work with it. This updated admin panel will allow greater functionality and simplicity, which is very similar to a Wordpress site. Thus, you can derive the results faster by viewing the more straightforward dashboard available with Magento 2.0. The older one indicated that; only the high initiators will be able to administer the site effectively. But, now there is a more gentle learning line for admin panel. Thus, you can stay sure that after dragging your IT professionals to the incorporation of 2.0, eventually they are going to love it for providing them with an easier and enhanced field to work.
At its core, Magento always focussed to create an enterprise-class eCommerce experience. With an intense and diverse range of API compatibility, your website will be provided with more number of 3rd party integration tools, thereby leading to an improvised UX/UI. One significant change to note is: the inclusion of a single click account creation and client profiles, thereby offering a less intrusive and nimbler shopping cart experience. The ultimate outcome is less abandoned shopping carts and higher conversions.
Inventors were always in search of loopholes to create something and so, does the Magento professionals. Likewise, they always focussed on making the operations safer. The upgraded version hosts an automatic upgrade installer for keeping all the systems performing and up-to-date. This also helped the users to shield their websites against the potential outside breaches or hacks and faulty codes. Integration with BrainTree payments, Authorize.net and PayPal has made it much CPI-compliant, thereby making the site more unbreachable, secured and safer.
Hopefully, by now you are thorough to decipher the real difference between the ‘older’ Magento and ‘new’ Magento. Thus, the next time you look for Magento developers to revamp your site or create a new website, then make sure that they are well-versed with the newer version.
Johan Smith is a tech buff, senior technology expert, adventure seeker, traveler and foodie, who pens down anything and everything that fascinates him. He has written a number of writeups about considerations to make before hiring Magento developers.